Carrying Pepper Spray When and Where Tips

Read these 10 Carrying Pepper Spray When and Where Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Pepper Spray tips and hundreds of other topics.

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What are good ways to avoid trouble when I´m joging, even if I carry p

Running and Jogging Safety, Don't Forget Your Pepper Spray

What are good ways to avoid trouble when I'm joging, even if I carry pepper spray? Here are some tips that will make you a harder target for hecklers, muggers and rapist: Avoid running/jogging at night, definitely avoid Friday and Saturday nights. There are far too many drunken young men driving around just looking for trouble. If practical, jog in the early morning. Most scumbags, deadbeats, and slugs, will still be in bed. If you see people ahead who look like trouble or you get a bad feeling, swallow your pride and take a safe detour, or turn around and retrace your course. Be aware of hiding places and blind corners. Carry pepper spray

What´s the best place to keep pepper spray?

The Best Places to Keep Pepper Spray

What's the best place to keep pepper spray? You can keep a small one on a pepper spray key chain, in your purse or briefcase, in your desk, glove compartment on the stand next to the front door.

What´s the best way to carry pepper spray?

How to Carry Your Pepper Spray

What's the best way to carry pepper spray? Pepper Spray ideally should be carried in the same place every day. A pepper spray holster or loose outer coat pocket is best. A pepper spray keychain is good because it's usually in your hand coming from and approaching your car.

Is it more important for women to carry pepper spray when they run?

Women and Jogging, Don't Forget Your Pepper Spray

Is it more important for women to carry pepper spray when they run? If you like to jog on trails through a park, it's like having a sign on your back that says "victim". Hundreds of women are sexually assaulted every year jogging on trails, and dozens murdered. Carry pepper spray

Should I spray someone with my pepper spray if they try to stop me whe

If Someone Trys to Stop You While You're Jogging

Should I spray someone with my pepper spray if they try to stop me when I'm running? If should someone try to get you to stop, such as asking for a light (come on - people know joggers don't smoke!). Just make brief eye contact and keep jogging. Not making eye contact is a gesture of fear to the criminal mind. Keep your pepper spray ready.

Do I need a pepper spray holster?

Pepper Spray Holster Considerations

Do I need a pepper spray holster? Belt holsters are available for some models. Although these are visible, the canister may be less recognizable to an attacker in a pepper spray holster than it would be bare. The importance of accessibility can not be over stressed. How much warning might you have in a typical assault? How long does it takes you to draw your weapon? Does the way you carry your canister allow you to draw it in time to hinder an assault? Keep in mind that most canisters are effective up to about a ten foot range.

Do I Need To Carry Pepper Spray if My Work Allows me to Carry a Gun?

If I already Carry A Gun in My Work

Do I Need To Carry Pepper Spray if My Work Allows me to Carry a Gun? It is imperative that you carry Pepper Spray if you carry a gun. Shooting someone may alter your life in bad ways. A squirt of OC could easily stop an encounter that might otherwise escalate to the point at which killing was otherwise necessary. There is also greater safety for those innocents that are in the immediate area. Also, it can be carried places where a pistol may be prohibited, so you always have some form of personal protection.

Do I need a pepper spray holder?

Pepper Spray Holder Considerations

Do I need a pepper spray holder? If it's clipped onto the outside of a pocket or belt, it may be dislodged accidentally or grabbed by an attacker. At the very least, it may be noticed before you use it, removing the element of surprise which adds to the effectiveness of tear gas. Most pepper spray holder clip models have the clip on the left side of the canister, which leaves the majority of the canister concealed if it's kept in the left pocket with the clip out. If you are comfortable drawing the weapon with your left hand, this is a good configuration.

How important is pepper spray when I jog?

Carry Pepper Spray When You're Jogging

How important is pepper spray when I jog? You're always at risk when you're running, walking or Jogging, Even if you're carrying pepper spray, stick to well traveled streets. Avoid shortcuts through wooded areas, parking lots, or alleys. Run or walk with a partner or a dog, don't wear headsets, carry a cell phone. Carry pepper spray.

Should joggers carry pepper spray?

Any Jogger May Become a Victim Even with Pepper Spray

Should joggers carry pepper spray? Each time you run, you may be exposing yourself to criminal elements; criminals who may see a female jogger as easy prey. Even macho men have been attacked or robbed while jogging alone. Some criminals have figured out that a jogger may be too winded to put up a fight, thus, easy pickings for robbery and/or rape. Carry pepper spray.

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