Read these 12 Bear Pepper Spray, Hiking and Camping Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Pepper Spray tips and hundreds of other topics.
Do I need to carry pepper spray when I'm hiking or camping? When you think about dangerous animals in the great outdoors, we worry most about bears. Yes, a bear attack can happen in many areas of the United States. But mountain lions and cougars (since 1970 there has been an average of 14 cougar attacks per year on people) are also a very real threat. This is a good reason to carry pepper spray when hiking.
What size of Bear Pepper Spray do I need to buy? If using the spray for bear repellent, get the biggest can possible, generally the 9 - 15 oz. size. The cost of these range from $30 - $50. Most large cans come with a pepper spray holster, make sure yours has one.
Is it ok to carry pepper spray in my backpack? If you kneel down and rummage through your backpack looking for your animal pepper spray, it'll make you look more like prey. Even bending down to pick up sticks or stones makes you look smaller. Look as tall as you can and get your pepper spray out while maintaining eye contact. And don't say "here kity kitty".
What's the best way to carry bear pepper spray? Have your spray can on your belt holster and available. Don't put it in your pack when you hike. It must be available in a split-second. Under no circumstances should bear pepper spray create a false sense of security or serve as a substitute for standard safety precautions in bear country.
Should kids carry pepper spray when outdoors? Young children should never be left alone in mountain lion habitats. Most mountain lion attacks have been on children below the age of 9 who were either alone or only in the company of other children. Keep children in sight and preferably in reach. Don't give them pepper spray to protect against wild animals. Mountain lions rarely attack a group which includes adults.
What do I do if a bear charges me? If a bear stalks you and then charges you, your best defense is to fight back. Spray the bear with pepper spray, climb up a tree or find rocks and sticks to hit the bear. Don't be easy prey for the bear.
What do I need to know when camping in bear country? When camping in bear country, there is always a chance to encounter a bear. Although bears typically avoid humans completely there are some that will come to your campsite in search of food. There are ways to prevent being attacked by these animals. One of the best ways is to keep them away from your campsite to begin with. Keep all food put away and trash secured in bags hung from a tree well out of reach. Keep the bags at least 300 feet from your tent. Never keep food inside your tent. But keep your bear spray handy.
Do I always need to be ready to defend myself against animals? Common animals such as squirrels, skunks, and rabbits can be quite vicious when infected with rabies. Wildlife may appear tame to humans and nocturnal animals may appear in daylight.. After the bite, the virus travels up the nearby nerves to the spinal cord, then the brain. The best reccomendation is to not allow animals to get close enough to bite you. Have your animal pepper spray ready.
What do I do if the bear is on me? Playing dead may help to prevent serious injury if you are attacked by a grizzly bear. Do not play dead during a black bear attack or if a grizzly bear is treating you as prey. Playing dead will help protect your vital areas, and the bear may leave if you appear harmless (or dead). There are two recommended positions for instances like these: curl up into a ball on your side with your hands clasped behind your neck or lie flat on the ground, face down, fingers intertwined behind your neck to protect yourself from getting your head or neck bitten
Will pepper spray be effective against a mountain lion? Although pepper spray may be an effective deterrent, you really don't want the lion to even get that close. Maintain eye contact if you sight a lion. Lions like to attack from ambush and count on the element of surprise. If the lion sees that you have seen it and are facing it, it is less likely to attack. If you see a lion DON'T RUN! Running stimulates the predator reflex and may cause you to be irresistible to a lion. Don't turn your back. Lions prefer to attack from behind. Turning your back on a lion invites its further interest.
What do I need to know when hiking in bear country? When hiking through bear country there are a few things to keep in mind. Make sure that you travel in a group. Bears are less likely to attack groups of six or more. Carry a can of bear pepper spray in case of an attack. While walking through areas that have wild fruits and berries growing make noise. Talking whistling singing etc. will prevent you from startling a bear that may be feeding there. Most bears will run away if they hear you coming toward them, but if startled the bear may attack.
Where can I buy bear pepper spray? You can purchase bear pepper spray from most sporting goods stores in Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho, as well as retailers on the Internet. The bear spray cans are generally good for 2-3 seasons. After that, they should be replaced.
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