Read these 13 Pepper Spray Information Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Pepper Spray tips and hundreds of other topics.
What's the difference between Mace and Pepper Spray? All of Mace's products now are either straight OC Pepper Spray and /or OC /Tear gas combinations or foam. Don't get Mace confused with Pepper Spray. MACE (the actual chemical compound) has not been used for 15 years. Mace is an irritant that is very similar to tear gas. Unlike pepper spray Mace will NOT cause inflammation of the capillaries causing temporary blindness, nausea, cut off all but life support breathing and create a very strong burning or stinging sensation. It is important to note that Mace is also a brand name.
When is it Ok to Use Pepper Spray? Chemical sprays are for personal self defense only to fight off an attacker. Pepper spray is not to be used offensively to protect property or on someone you merely dislike.
Is pepper spray ever fatal? Although there is no known specific lethal dose or lethal concentration of OC, pepper spray has been implicated in the deaths of some people who were sprayed with it. These people suffered anaphylaxis, a violent allergic reaction that can be life threatening. Symptoms can include airways obstructed by swelling, fainting, and shock. Asthmatics are at higher risk of having an adverse reaction to pepper spray.
Do I need pepper spray training? Persons wanting to carry tear gas should take a pepper spray training course before purchasing. Courses are provided at many community colleges and personal defense stores.
What is the real effect of Pepper Spray? Direct facial contact and inhalation of the spray will induce coughing, choking, and nausea, as well as dilating the eye capillaries resulting in temporary blindness. The mucous membranes will swell to prevent all but life support breathing causing the assailant to be temporarily incapacitated. Skin contact will cause a burning sensation which is aggravated by rubbing the area. A one second burst of oc pepper spray can affect an attacker for up to 45 minutes effectiveness without causing permanent damage.
What if Pepper Spray gets on me? If pepper spray gets on you, rinse the affected area repeatedly with cold water. Wash your hands several times and wash your clothes separately for other items. Use tearless baby shampoo to cut the oil resin.
What is OC Pepper Spray All About? OC is oleoresin capsicum, which is extracted from chili peppers and is commonly called Pepper Spray. This product is the most widely sold today and the spray of choice for police since 1977. OC pepper spray is generally regarded to be the most distressing to experience, but it must be sprayed directly in the eyes or inhaled to be effective. The product is an oily liquid not very soluble in water.
Does pepper spray come in different strengths? The strongest concentrations are 15% active ingredients and rated at 2 million scoville heat units. The high scoville heat rating is more important than the percentage of pepper spray ingredients.
Is Pepper Spray is Safe to Use? Pepper spray affects the mucous tissues of the nose and eyes. It really hurts for about 20 minutes which is enough time to get away, call the police and drop by Starbucks. Pepper spray is non-toxic and non-flammable.
Is Pepper Spray always the best solution? A person threatening you with a lethal weapon can injure you mortally in less time than it takes you to draw and aim your pepper spray. An assailant may be able to take your canister away from you and use it against you. If this is happening, try to throw the spray away out of reach. Your pepper spray could backfire at you in wind. Both wind and rain may reduce its range and effectiveness. The best safety measure is to avoid unnecessary risks whenever possible. Avoid areas known to be dangerous, never go with pepper spray where you wouldn't go without it.
Can children use pepper spray? Kids like to play with novelty things and weapons. Most children will want to try it out , either spraying a burst of pepper spray into the air, or maybe at the neighbor's cat. Many children end up accidentally spraying themselves.
Where can I buy pepper Spray? In most states, you can purchase pepper spray anywhere that other self defense items are sold, although many localities require a certificate indicating that you have passed a pepper spray training course. The Internet has become the most common place to buy pepper spray, since a pepper spray store on the web can ship to most states. Wholesale pepper spray pricing is usually available also.
Is Pepper Spray is the Best Non-lethal Protection? Pepper spray works on everyone drunk, drugged or crazy. It works. All tear gases do not work on the drugged, drunk and crazy the way pepper spray works.
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