Pepper Spray Tips

When it comes to Pepper Spray, we've been there, done that, now serving 113 tips in 10 categories ranging from Bear Pepper Spray, Hiking and Camping to Using Pepper Spray, Techniques.

Are there any problems with carrying pepper spray in my purse?

About Carrying Pepper Spray in Your Purse

Are there any problems with carrying pepper spray in my purse? Sometimes women who keep pepper spray in their purse find themselves temporarily switching to another purse to match their shoes, transfering just their pocketbook or wallet to the other purse, forgetting their pepper spray. Also, the first indication that you need your spray may be when an assailant is already tugging on your purse. There were 64,440 purse snatchings in 2000. A pepper spray pager or a pepper spray keychain is a common type to carry in your purse.

Why should I carry pepper spray in my purse?

When Carrying in Your Purse

Why should I carry pepper spray in my purse? You ever go anywhere without your purse or handbag? Of course not. Whether you are on your way to school, to work, shopping, or just to visit friends or family, you grab your purse on the way out the door. Then when you get out of your car, you take your purse, it's always with you with your pepper spray inside. A purse can be a poor location because if it falls to the bottom, the canister is not always accessible. Always carry it in an outside purse compartment. A purse with an accessible, open pocket where the spray can't get lost may be better than keeping it loose in the bag.

Is a pepper spray pen effective?

Pepper Spray Pager and Pepper Spray Pen

Is a pepper spray pen effective? A pepper spray pager or a pepper spray pen are an ideal way to carry for self protection at work.

What are some situations that I might need my pepper spray at work?

Situations that Trigger Violence at Work

What are some situations that I might need my pepper spray at work? Common workplace triggers that might instigate violence are terminations, layoffs, bad performance evaluations, and believing they were past over for promotion. A problem that we now recognize is that supervisors are often ill equipped to handle such emotional needs of those they oversee. If the employee knows that you have your pepper spay pen handy, they may not make trouble.

Is it a good idea to carry pepper spray to work?

Why Carry Pepper Spray at Work

Is it a good idea to carry pepper spray to work? Workplace homicide is the leading cause of death among female workers in the US and is the second leading cause of death for men. Aside from homicides, we can't forget about the 18,000 employees who are non-fatally assaulted every week while on the job. Don't be a victim, keep pepper spray within easy reach.

Is pepper spray safe to use inside a car?

Don't Use Pepper Spray in a Moving Car

Is pepper spray safe to use inside a car? Don't ever use pepper spray in a moving vehicle. It will tend to disable the driver with deadly results.

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