Read this tip to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Pepper Spray Effectiveness and other Pepper Spray topics.
How long does it take for the effects of pepper spray to wear off? he good pepper sprays on the market will start to wear off after 10 to 15 minutes. They are the 2 to 5 percent capsicum sprays. Pepper spray with 15 percent capsicum may last up to 30 to 45 minutes. The effects of the 2% sprays don't last as long because the oil is thinner. There is no need for the effects to last more than 15 minutes.
I am in the Navy, and I'm currently with the base police. This morning we had pepper training, and I was shot across the face once with a stream of pepper spray. I then had to run from trainer to trainer and fight them while forcing (or trying, at least) my eyes open. The evolution lasted about 5 minutes. The "effects" of the spray lasted well over 2 hours. It took 45 minutes just to be able to keep my eyes open for any length of time! And I wasn't the only one. After 2 hours, the burn had gone, but the feeling that someone had jabbed my in the eyes with their fingers lasted the entire day. As I'm typing this at 130am, I can still feel the aching behind my eyes. Best way to describe the feeling, is Moe (3 stooges) poking your eyes (hard), and then setting your face on fire.
Another good question is, "How long does the pepper spray remain on your skin?", because even after a shower, you can feel the heat.
Sincerely, N. Stalker
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