Pepper Spray Antitdotes

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Is there an antidote for pepper spray?

Pepper Spray Antitdotes

Is there an antidote for pepper spray? No one has a quick and 100% effective neutralizing agent for Capsaicin, the chemical agent in peppers. Milk, baking soda paste and honey do a good job removing the sting from the fingers and face, but trace amounts of Capsaicin will remain on the fingers even after dozens of hand washings. Ultimately you will need to wait for the skin to slough off the microbes of Capsaicin.



6/23/2007 6:57:34 AM
AJ said:

I am a Loss Prevention agent and get maced daily. My partner got the cone mace for the first time and used it on the guy I was holding. Alot more powerful than the foam. I couldnt sleep my arms were burning so bad till i read this. Now i love milk even more so than i did.


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